After ages and ages of dreaming and lusting finally I got my new Thunderbird on Friday, the 8th of July, 2011. The condition of my previous bike was very poor and a 20km ride to office was enough to kill its engine. On top of that for the last 2 months I'm going through a phase when I'm staying at least 14 hrs a day in office. Getting my new bike in a midst of this was like a bliss for me. I was itching to get on my new bike and go out somewhere. But where?? I cant put too much strain on the bike before its first service. So I was looking for some place about 50-60km away from Bangalore, where I can spend some quality time away from office and ride my bike too.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Half Day Trip to Shivagange
After ages and ages of dreaming and lusting finally I got my new Thunderbird on Friday, the 8th of July, 2011. The condition of my previous bike was very poor and a 20km ride to office was enough to kill its engine. On top of that for the last 2 months I'm going through a phase when I'm staying at least 14 hrs a day in office. Getting my new bike in a midst of this was like a bliss for me. I was itching to get on my new bike and go out somewhere. But where?? I cant put too much strain on the bike before its first service. So I was looking for some place about 50-60km away from Bangalore, where I can spend some quality time away from office and ride my bike too.
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